Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR (corporate social responsibility)

The Kothari Group has always had a philosophy of giving back to the society and the Jain community in particular has benefited from this philosophy. The group has undertaken a number of projects for the welfare of people and benefit of the society. Some of the initiatives taken are:

Jain Sthanak at Malabar Hill

Shri Champalalji Kothari was the main contributor and founder member of the Smt. Jatandevi Harakhchand Kothari Sthanak at Malabar Hill which was named in the memory of his mother. His dream to create a suitable place of worship for the Jain community, where the Jain munis could stay and impart their religious discourses, became a reality in 1975. The sthanak is visited by lacs of followers every year.

Shri Harakhchand Kothari Gaushala, Jodhpur

The gaushala was built in 1990 to take care of old, disabled and abandoned cows. The cows which may otherwise end up in slaughter houses are brought here and fed and looked after.

Shri Champalal Kothari Middle School (Pipar, Rajasthan)

Realizing the dearth of good facilities for education in Pipar city, this school was built in 1994 and handed over to the Rajasthan government. Good planning and well equipped amenities ensure a favorable environment for the children of Pipar to study in.

Shri Champalal Kothari Charitable Trust

The group runs a charitable trust which provides assistance to the needy for medical, educational and social causes. Under the trusts auspices, numerous acts of charity have been carried out.